Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Creating Your Own Space

Anyone who is more than an "every-once-in-a-while" beader knows that you need a designated area for storeing your stuff and a good place to do your work where it won't be disturbed when you take a break. It is very important for your space to be well lighted and uncluttered. You don't want to have to shift everything around when you want to find a specific item and it's unhealthy to do detailed work like jewelry making in bad light.

First things first, you need a table. I use a multi-purpose craft table (available at almost any craft store). It doesn't really matter what it is, as long as it's flat and level. When I first started I used a coffee table and later the dining room table.

Next you need adequate lighting, natural is best. If possible use an area near a large window where you'll get lots of light. If that isn't possible make sure to get a lamp to place off to the side of your workspace. They're nice for evenings too, when it starts to get dark but you still want to work. I recommend a swivel neck desk lamp, one that you can adjust to various positions depending on what you need.

Now you are ready to set up your jewelry making space. There is no wrong way to do this, just find a setup that works for you. I recommend having the stuff you use most often out and ready to go on your work area, a designated space for item assembly, and a small area to set your finished pieces. I repeat, there is no wrong way to setup your space. Everyone is different and what works for me may not work so well for you. It's just a matter of experimenting to find a way that you like better than the others.

Below is my current work area. I have two bead box organizers on the table that hold my jump rings and different findings and a small work area. The pink bead mat is just a folded up piece of fabric from my quilting stash. The bead boxes on the side hold the portable portion of my bead stash. Please ignore the mess... it used to be my sewing table.

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